3 guys changing the lighting Industry!

What started as a dream, became a reality!

We began our journey in the LED lighting industry in 2014, right after LED lighting was making a scene with huge commercial and industrial rebate incentives provided by utility companies. We found ourselves looking at a technology that was being underutilized in commercial industries and the impact that LED had on saving the environment.

Saving the environment is our main objective, but that isn't the only thing we are striving to accomplish. The additional benefits of switching to LED are the reductions in maintenance costs, the longer life expectancy of your lighting from traditional technologies, and the increase of safety and security at your facility. We pursue our goals of saving you money, saving the environment, and alleviating you of focusing on your lighting for the next 5 years with manufacturer warranties.

Along our adventure in the lighting industry, our concentration was focused on finding the best products that wouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. The requirements we put on our manufacturers that we carry began with quality of light output, the aesthetics of the equipment, longevity of the lamps and fixtures, and their cost effectiveness in the current market place. We had our fair share of products that would fail, as anyone in the industry would, but we knew that going in. With being on the forefront of the technological advancements in lighting, we were bound to run into some bumps in the road, but we made sure to do right by our customers and clients to ensure something bigger than just distribution. That's why we vetted our manufacturers down to those we currently carry because of their prompt response to failed products with replacements to ensure a happy customer.

That's when we made it our mission to save the world from bad lighting!

The origins

Where it Started

It all started with a vision of how service should be provided to customer and clients alike. Once we found our industry, we applied our morals and virtues. We wanted something with an old school philosophy of putting customer service above sales in order to create Creek Lighting and we began our journey.

Attracting Savers

We know that not everyone can see the forest through the trees when it comes to LED lighting, so how we approach the industry is with the idea of saving you money, providing you with a turn-key solution to your inefficient lighting, and something that provides you a working environment suitable for all of your business needs.

Contractor Cooperation

We work with electrical contractors all across the country to provide their customers lighting they want and need. We know we can't be everywhere at once, so like the saying goes, we taught the man to fish so he can eat for a lifetime.

UVC Lighting

With the pandemic running a muck, we decided to take on a UVC product line that would provide an additional line of defense to keep patrons feeling safe and employees protected while we continue keeping our businesses open. We are an exclusive lighting distributor for Virus Armor that provides UVC equipment for personal and professional use. These products range from hand held wands to 1000 square foot sanitizing trolleys to help us all in our fight against the pandemic.

Gaining Reputation

Reputation is something that can make or break a company. We decided that we wanted to build our company on the basis of putting the customer first, taking care of their needs, and being their forever and always lighting guys.

Time to Save the World

We need your help to pursue our mission! If your facility has lights and you haven't switched to LED, you are just the people we are looking to help.

Join our mission and let's save the world from bad lighting together!